Application Questions?
Elementary: Cathy Robles 801.402.5106
Secondary: Monica Spackman 801. 402.5219
Special Education: Traci Manfull 801.402.5216
Davis School District Provides an Environment Where Learning Comes First!
Davis School District in the Northern Utah Wasatch front is rich in tradition of excellence in education. We are the 2nd largest school district in the state of Utah, with over 10,000 employees.
The district serves more than 74,000 students. Davis district operates with 92 schools, which account for 62 elementary, 17 junior high, ten high school, one online school, and three alternative schools. We boast a graduation rate of 95%.
The student population continues to become more diverse with 67 languages spoken by students. We also have Dual Language Immersion programs in French, Chinese, and Spanish.
Receive 2 days of extra pay
One and a half day grand orientation event
Half day online benefits course
New Teacher Induction Program
Support for year 1-3 teachers
Mentoring collaboratives
Professional learning
Classroom management support
Teacher Leadership Opportunities
Instructional coaching
Curriculum specialists
Teacher Leader Fellowship
Mentor Teacher Leaders
Grade specific mentoring
District and onsite mentoring
Money for your classroom
Davis Education Foundation "Cash for Classroom" Grants
Innovative District produced Curriculum & Software
Lesson plans, online resources and assessments are available for teachers in all content areas
24 Hour Substitute Teacher System
Online absence entry when a substitute is needed
Professional Learning
Robust online and in person training on curriculum, instructional techniques and
Opportunities for career advancement and salary increase
Salary Benefits